Length, Format, and Structure
The conference will take place at the venue of the Antiga Audiència, a local historical building in the centre of Tarragona, Spain.
The conference will commence on the afternoon of the 15th of November, with a keynote lecture led by Dr Antonio Rodríguez-Hidalgo. The lecture will be held in Spanish (Castellano), with English translation, and will be open to the public. A drink reception will follow the keynote lecture.
During the following two days, a series of oral presentations will be presented by early-career academics, i.e., master students, PhD and postdoctoral researchers, junior lecturers and assistant researchers.
The interventions will be divided into sessions dedicated to four areas in human evolution: humans and their environment, morphology, molecular anthropology, material culture and behaviour.
Alternated to oral presentations, interactive seminars led by invited speakers will address relevant issues in academia, relating to challenges and opportunities for young researchers such as: how to write grant applications, how to create engaging content, and mentoring in academia.
The evening of the last day is dedicated to poster presentations, with a drink reception. The session will be open to the public, with the possibility for the participants to present in Spanish, Catalan or English.
The two public events hold multiple purposes: to create outreach opportunities for the conference participants, to involve the public in the activities run by the IPHES, to raise interest in the different disciplines of biological anthropology and to promote local cultural heritage.
Preliminar programme
We are trying our best to make the conference plastic and paper-free, where possible. Therefore, most of the content will be provided in digital format only.